Cleaning the Past to Preserve the Future
Typical products available in the masonry industry are not often designed for historic masonry restoration. These products often use strong acids and neutralizers to achieve a desired result. When used incorrectly, these products can cause severe and sometimes irreparable damage to the masonry façade. Efflorescence, alkaline staining, and “bleaching” can be the outcome of using these types of cleaners.
Negative reactions with these cleaners are made worse by the age of the building and the varying conditions the building's facade.
Cathedral Stone provides a range of cleaners and removers--all developed based on our experience with historical restoration. Many of the pitfalls and issues associated with other cleaners were considered when developing our line of cleaners and removers.
Every CSP product is laboratory engineered to clean and remove specific types of debris and staining without the need for acids--even carbon and rust staining can be safely removed.
Many cleaners advertise the ability to clean multiple types of surfaces; these products typically have a high acidic rating, which requires neutralization. Every one of our cleaners is designed as a one-part cleaning solution--there is no need for supplemental products to neutralize.
Here are some before/after mockups of CSP cleaners:
General/Biological (Bio Cleaner)
Carbon/Rust/Copper Patina (Heavy Duty Cleaner)
“Every CSP product is laboratory engineered to clean and remove specific types of debris and staining without the need for acids—even carbon and rust staining can be safely removed.”
Before/Left, After/Right